Quality Policy


Eurgomma has set offering its customer products marked by high quality, productivity and competitiveness levels as its target. In order to reach it, Eurgomma is implementing a continuous improvement plan on its processes and has adjourned its system to the IATF:2016.  

Eurgomma trades in the market of rubber components which is affected by internal and external factors. Taking them into account Eurgomma has singled out the stakeholders in its organization.

Thus Eurgomma focuses constantly on the technological development of raw materials for its customers.  

It selects organizations with a strong research and development vocation for its products, usually they have a long experience and high quality standards so as to guarantee compliance with the latest technological standards and applicable laws on products, environment and safety.    

Eurgomma selects suppliers who are able to guarantee reliability and repeatability over time on product characteristics, this way it makes sure that the end-customer receives products conforming to their requests.   In selecting its suppliers Eurgomma takes into account also whether they may be available to train the internal personnel of Eurgomma and to support Eurgomma and its customer in any event.



Due to the intese competitiveness of the market in which Eurgomma operates, it adopts a strategy revolving around customer satisfaction. For this reason Eurgomma has set the following objectives:


  • Analyzing market context, assessing risks and opportunities during the Management Review Meeting.
  • Having critical issues, technical and functional specifications of the customer very clear and always up to date.


Ultimately the objective is providing the customer with high quality standard and reducing NCs to zero.


Eurgomma operates with the aim in mind of establishing long-lasting relationships with its suppliers, more so in light of the new quality management standard. Eurgomma shall give precedence to higher quality levels over cheaper suppliers.


The main obejective for Eurgomma is to build a network of qualified suppliers to reduce NCs to zero.


The production process is organized according to the principles of the so called “Industry 4.0” which displays interconnection with business software, collects real time data and is supported by a new 100% automated selection line. All stakeholders will have access to the monitoring of production on site and remotely so as to increase flexibility and meet customer requests immediately. Such a system means that the material is correctly identified during all stages of the production process and the impact of the human factor in the production cycle is the least possible.


The basic objective here is “compliance with customers’ requests, quality and regulation standards” plus guaranteeing acceptable lead-time, product traceability and process stability.  



High efficiency leves and production continuity requires the plant to be endowed with reliable equipment and a maintenance plan that is implemented effectively.


This has the objective of preventing default causes for the equipment and reducing the time production stops due to any default, a documented maintenance activity is therefore essential.



In order to guarantee the respect of quality standards in competences and professionalism, human resources skills are constantly enhanced through training activities and courese both external and internal.


It has the objective of enhancing accountability and competence of the employee and support their professional development.


CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT                                              

The Quality Management System implementation itself is in the framework of a wider plan for continuous improvement of the organization and its processes. Eurgomma wants to involve the whole organization in the new 9001/ IATF certification because it sees it as a natural step in a struggle to streamline procedures and reducing red-tape.  


Ultimately the target is the complete digitalization of documents and 100% record keeping efficiency.



Eurgomma is committed to abiding by the applicable regulation and implementing all necessary measures to guarantee safety together with processes stability. It has provided itself with a suitable working environment     up to date technology and investments on personnel training and infrastructures.


In this case the main objective is removing the causes of potential injuries, compliance with applicable regulations on safety and environment.